Massage therapy is a part of integrative medicine which assists in treating a variety of medical conditions and ailments. Massage is commonly known as manipulating the skin through pressing and rubbing the skin, ligaments, tendons and muscles. While most of us know how good a massage can feel and the benefits they can provide to the body, massage therapy is so much more than treating the physical body. Here are some massage therapy benefits that you may not know about!
Improves Sleep
Massage therapy encourages a peaceful sleep and also can improve sleep for those who have trouble falling asleep or having a comfortable rest. Massage therapy promotes relaxation and reduces stress which can help improve quality of sleep.
Can Help With Anxiety & Depression
Symptoms of anxiety and depression can be decreased through massage therapy. As massage therapy decreases cortisol levels, while increasing serotonin and dopamine levels, it can assist in decreasing symptoms of both anxiety and depression.
Helps Improve Postural Stress
Do you sit all day at a desk due to work? Sitting all day can cause a great deal of stress and pressure on your body, especially on your shoulders and neck. Regular massage therapy can help relieve this stress placed on your body from sitting all day.
Improve Muscle Pain
Massage therapy works to improve circulation within your body, which can help improve muscle pain, reduce muscle soreness and even prevent injury. This is especially beneficial for those who get sore from exercise or sports injuries.
The massage therapy experts at The AIM Clinic in Pickering are always available to assist you in creating a massage therapy plan that works best for your needs. The AIM Clinic features registered massage therapists in Pickering who are available at your convenience. Get in touch with us today to book your appointment. Call us at 905-492-8688 or click here to book online.