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What to Expect from Your First Visit to a Naturopathic Doctor

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We at Active Integrative Medicine have extensive experience in naturopathic care. We understand not everyone is able to find complete recovery or relief through standardized medical treatment, so we offer a variety of treatment options to supplement your regular care and help promote recovery. In this article, we’ll provide some key information on what to expect from your first visit to a naturopathic doctor.

What to Expect from Your First Visit to a Naturopathic Doctor

  • A Focus on Education – One thing you can expect when visiting a naturopathic doctor is a focus on education. We want to help you learn about your body and its systems, so you can make more informed choices about how to treat yourself and manage your injury or condition.
  • A Focus on the Whole Person – Another thing you can expect from your naturopathic doctor is for them to focus on treating you as a whole person, not just a collection of diagnoses and symptoms. We, as naturopathic doctors, understand all systems of the body are interrelated, and we do our best to make sure they are all functioning to support each other as effectively as possible. We also understand that your mental and physical health are deeply intertwined, so we might suggest changes to help you reduce stress, not just physical pain.
  • A Focus on Prevention – Lastly, your naturopathic doctor will most likely focus on preventing future health issues as much as treating your current concerns. Our team takes a long-term view of health, and we will do all we can to ensure you can remain as healthy as possible over time.